Visual Novel translation status:
11eyes - Trial patch out, 24.50% of the common route translated
Akatsuki no Goei- common route fully translated, as well as bits of the character routes (8610 lines translated total). was mentioned in a C&D sent out to another game
Akai Ito- Insertion of the existing translation being worked on with the first day completely and inserted and working, 2600 lines total untranslated
Apathy Midnight Collection Vol. 1 - 8 of 11 arcs translated
Ashita no Kimi to Autame Ni - 5/117 scripts translated, new translator joined
Baldr Sky - Translation ongoing
Battle Flier Itsuki- 21% translated
Cartagra - Translation is pretty much finished, QC/beta next
Concerto Note - C&D, continuing, translation at 20%
Devils Devel Concept- 25%
>Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- 45.8% translated, second partial patch out
>Flyable Heart -Fully translated, trial patch out, in editing, 9600/73560 lines edited
>Fortune Arterial- 51 of 122 scripts translated, 14 of 122 scripts edited, patch for the trial version of the game
Galaxy Angel: Moonlit Lovers- Milfie route complete, shared routes complete, about 10855 lines remaining, Milfeulle/Forte patch released
Hakuoki ~Shinsengumi Kitan~ - Classes done, so translation ongoing again
Hatsukoi - 66.2571% translated
Higurashi Daybreak - being translated
>Hinomaru- 5.9% translated
>Hime Kami Ni Bun no Ichi - Being translated
Himekishi Lilia- "As for the time window its taken to release...well how long did it take Blizzard to release starcraft 2 and after all that time what really changed? Lilia will be released when its released. Deal with it. "
Honey Coming- Prologue 100% translated, Common route atleast 20% with progress being made. Yuma Shichiri's route 5% translated
>Hoshizora no Memoria - prologue patch out, 12.4% translated (EveTaku side project!)
Ikusa Megami Zero - New project starting up, C&D, continuing.
Katahane- 31602/32287 lines (97.88 %) translated, 14091/32287 (43.64%) lines edited
Kara no Shoujo - 100% translated, edited, and hacked, may be released officially
Kichikuou Rance- 20% translated
Killer Queen - 97 % translated 11312/13785lines
Kizuato - 182/246 scripts translated
Lamia no Baai - ~1/7th of the game translated, plus some new translation on top of that
LILITH-IZM03- 75% patch out
Little Busters - ~70%, new patch released with Mio's route translated, Haruka route 47% translated
>Love Plus- 380/900 scripts translated (42.22%), partial patch out
Majikoi- Prologue patch out, All Yukie stuff fully translated
M&M Enchanting Magic & Sweet Charms- 61%
>Muv Luv full patch released - Alternative progress 1686.4 KB/2738.39 KB (61.58%), ongoing talks with age regarding the possibility of an official release
>Never 7 - 38 of 97 scripts translated
Period- All image/UI editing complete, Miyu's patch released, game total translation:28.67% complete
Princess Maker 5- 19%, image translation 100%, editing underway
Princess Nightmare - Translator said the project is still active, but very slow, nearly 50% translated
Prision Battleship 2 - 43% translated
Pure Pure The Story of Ears and Tails- Sachi Patch released, 63.20% translated
Rance 1- Fully translated, now onto editing, etc
Rance 2 - Hacked, so being translated now
Rin ga Utau, Mirai no Ne-iro- Miku patch released, Rin part will be upcoming
Sa.Na.Ra.Ra - 7 completed scripts
School Days- Translation at 100%, chapters 1-3 released, project reconized by 0verflow, episode 4 in alpha
Seinarukana - Prologue and Chapter 1 translated, translation at 9.1%, image editing mostly complete, chapter 2 translation almost complete
Sensei Da-isuki 2- 20%, still being worked on
>Sharin no Kuni, Yuukyuu no Shounenshoujo -translator working on non translated scripts, all of Natsumi's scripts translated, 6 of 7 Ririko's scripts translated
Sin- 60% of episode 1 translated
>Sono Hanabira 2 - Full translation released
Sono Hanabira 7 - 50% translated, plan to finish within the next 2-4 weeks
Suiheisen made Nan Mile- Trial patch 55% translated
Sweet Pool- Active translation ongoing
Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu-"status: ~translating:active~"
>The Second Reproduction - 27% translated
Togainu No Chi- 69% translated
To Heart2- 53% - "The final product is still years away unless I get more help. ", Tama-nee alpha patch released, Yuma's route translated
>Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 2nd Kiss - 1st patch released, translating most, but not all, of the game
Tomoyo After - No work on the translation this week, working on a 35% partial patch
Touka Gettan: translation status: ~30% translated
Umineko 8 - To be translated
Under The Moon- 6% translated/checked/programmed, still active
>Welcome to Pia Carrot 2 - 1st draft translation close to 40%
Yoakemae Yori Ruriiro Na - Being translated by the guy who did Canvas 2
Yosuga no Sora - 20% translated
YU-NO- Total: 3628.13/3995.61KB (90.80%), Prologue patch released, all normal routes translated, translation moving onto the epilogue chapter, Editing at 1819.72/3995.61 KB (45.54%)
Official work
Koihime Musou - 1/31/2011 scheduled release, trial out, in testing
Zaishuu The SiN - March 1st release date
Ef - "The translations for ef ~the first tale~ and latter tale are both finished now"
Dear Drops - Translation beginning once Edelweiss retranslation is complete
Harukoi Otome - Being translated
Harem Party- Focused in a recent blog post
The Season of Da Capo isn’t over yet
Unannounced title- translation and editing finished
Ongoing talks with a company whose bread and jam you would not want to eat
Chance they may be bringing over Kara no Shoujo, according to Kouryuu
Picked up a Circus title with gameplay
Additionally, random sex romps are scheduled as well
Demonbane- delayed, engine almost finished
Jingai Makyou- Not mentioned in their panel
Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ - 2011 release planned, translation near completion
Nitro Royale- being translated
DraKoi- fully fan translated, image editing is finished as well, however scripts are unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release
Yumina the Ethereal - announced, expected to be released within a year
Sumaga- 79%, still being translated, unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release
Muramasa - Chapter 4 complete, but because it is Nitro+, it is uncertain what will come from the project
Two remaining announcements, one this month, and one next month
HgameZ is alive again, possible releases in the future
Kisaragi no Hogyoku- English trial out, now being translated as part of project T0rama
Bible Black Infection- Delayed until Janurary 25th, 2011
Upcoming from active fan groups
Some LiarSoft will be done by Ixrec after the Muv Luv saga
Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd Love Plus -- Planned by the translators doing 2
>Stuff like this with bold/italics/underline has been either added or updated since the week before.
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